Land Design
and Restoration

Sorrel Inman

Mergoat Land Design and Restoration

Sorrel Inman

[email protected]
(865) 250-6140

T-shirt — The Old World Is Molting — Green

Celebrate the return of cicadas, both periodical and annual. Molting cicada shirt on dark forest green Bella+Canvas, that reads “The Old World is Molting; A New World Emerges”.

When you see cicada shells (exuviae) on trees throughout the forest, do you ever think, “Wow, I want to be a tree with cicadas molting all over me?” Us too.
The old world molts, a new world emerges.
Or, as Antonio Gramsci wrote from a prison in fascist Italy, “The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born. Now is the time of monsters.” He wrote this while reflecting on the interregnum—the period between governing empires, when fascism tends to emerge like an opportunistic weed.


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