Mergoat Magazine
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Volume 2 Issue 1
The Invasion Issue: A Horde, A Heap, A Pile...
What are invasive species? While this question seems simple, it has become one of the most controversial topics in popular ecological discourse—riddled with misinformation, malpractice, and magical thinking. Varying opinions amongst practitioners of ecological conservation, permaculture, herbalism, and craft have emerged, often carving deep conceptual and practical divisions.
We aren’t going to resolve this conflict in one issue of a magazine, nor over the course of a single year. Our hope, though, is to open a clearing where diverse practitioners can learn from one another, while also participating in good-faith critique and dialogue. Conflict, collaboration, vulnerability, and humility are all necessary parts of this process—because at the end of the day, one fact stands tall above all others: no single person, organization, or practice can resolve the crisis of invasive species. Is it possible, though, to identify some fundamental definitions and realities we can agree on in order to strengthen our individual practices and collective impact?